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Corporate PCO Hire

Rent a PCO Car understand the needs of PCO companies and they work closely alongside Toyota Jemca to ensure they can deliver maximum value to their customers.

PCO operator companies primarily want:

  • New and/or relatively new second hand cars
  • The ability to increase their fleet in the most cost effective way
  • Access to finance without laborious credit checks.

At Rent a PCO Car they currently work with a number of leading PCO operators in the market hiring cars on short, medium and long term contracts. They know that to grow your business you need to grow and modernise your fleet.

Changes in legislation affecting the age of vehicles has resulted in the owner-driver market suffering!

How can Rent a PCO Car help?

  • They offer their clients an opportunity to increase the size of their fleet without heavy investment and maintenance costs!
  • Secure the use of a fully PCO’d vehicle over a short or long term period.
  • Vehicles are fully serviced every 10,000 miles and MOT’d every 6 months by a recommended garage.
  • Rent a PCO Car cover all the normal wear and tear costs, including tyres and bulbs.
  • Full AA breakdown cover.
  • Insurance can be provided for hire and reward on our fleet policy.
  • Rent a PCO Car can assist with any claims management in the event of an accident.
  • Rent a PCO Car work with you as partners to help your business grow.
  • Rent a PCO Car policies are simple, fair and easy to understand!

Contact Rent a PCO Car today to see how they can help grow your business!